Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire :: Williams Street Car Streetcar Essays

Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire The play 'A Street Car Named Desire' by Tennessee Williams has numerous characters with various characters. One character that appears to have a significant influence in this play is Stanley. The ruff and solidified obtuse spouse of Stella, this is appeared to us in the initial two scenes acquaints this character with the crowd, and shows his disposition towards the condition that he lives in. All through the accompanying I will talk about how Tennessee Williams acquaints Stanley with the crowd and this encourages us find out about him. Toward the start of the main scene the crowd meets Stanley, Tennessee presents Stanly and a companion (Mitch) as 'They are about twenty-eight or thirty years of age generally wearing blue denim work garments'. This gives us a quick impression of an exemplary American average workers fellow, that doesn't have amazing instruction record. Tennessee shows another model that 'Stanley' is of a low status, at the point when he addresses 'Stella' as 'Child!'. This shows the crowd that Stanley isn't being inconsiderate, yet it is only the manner by which he has built up his jargon in a slang road estate. It additionally shows the crowd that he shows little regard even with the utilization of this slang wording. Another angle that the crowd will find out about Stanley is that he is venerated by his significant other 'Stella' this is indicated when she inquires as to whether she can come and watch him play bowling. This would not be typical conduct of normal ladies in the time since, when the play is set bowling was to be a masculine game. Anyway one is left to ponder regardless of whether if Stanley essentially attracts ladies to him this optimistic way. This indulgent passageway for the character Stanley , makes the crowd feel that he has a significant impact in the play. Stanley is depicted as a womanizer, and he continues with this practice considerably after he realizes that his significant other is pregnant. It's awful enough that he is continuing with this when he has a spouse. The crowd is caused to feel that Stella is aware of his propensities for deliberately drawing in ladies and being a tease ass it must have been a similar way he engaged with Stella. This could be a recommendation of why Stella inquired as to whether she could go along with him and watch at the bowling alley. Stanley is depicted as the man you love to loathe, he is thee man that men need to be and the ruff end characteristics ladies attracted to. Despite the fact that he hasn't been gotten the rich legacy the Stella and her sister

Saturday, August 22, 2020

An Overview of Scandium (Sc or Element 21)

An Overview of Scandium (Sc or Element 21) Essential Facts Nuclear Number: 21Symbol: ScAtomic Weight: 44.95591Discovery: Lars Nilson 1878 (Sweden)Electron Configuration: [Ar] 4s2 3d1Word Origin: Latin Scandia: ScandinaviaIsotopes: Scandium has 24 realized isotopes going from Sc-38 to Sc-61. Sc-45 is the main stable isotope.Properties: Scandium has a liquefying purpose of 1541  °C, a breaking point of 2830  °C, a particular gravity of 2.989 (25  °C), and valence of 3. It is a shimmering white metal which builds up a yellowish or pinkish cast when presented to air. Scandium is a light, generally delicate metal. Scandium responds quickly with numerous acids. The blue shade of sea green/blue is credited to the nearness of scandium.Sources: Scandium is found in the minerals thortveitite, euxenite, and gadolinite. It is likewise delivered as a side-effect of uranium refinement.Uses: Scandium is utilized to make high-force lights. Scandium iodide is added to mercury fume lights to deliver a light source with a shading looking like daylight. T he radioactive isotope Sc-46 is utilized as a tracer in processing plant wafers for unrefined petroleum. Component Classification: Transition Metal Physical Data Thickness (g/cc): 2.99Melting Point (K): 1814Boiling Point (K): 3104Appearance: to some degree delicate, gleaming white metalAtomic Radius (pm): 162Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 15.0Covalent Radius (pm): 144Ionic Radius: 72.3 (3e)Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.556Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 15.8Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 332.7Pauling Negativity Number: 1.36First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 630.8Oxidation States: 3Standard Reduction Potential: Sc3 e â†' Sc E0 - 2.077 VLattice Structure: HexagonalLattice Constant (Ã… ): 3.310Lattice C/A Ratio: 1.594CAS Registry Number: 7440-20-2 Random data Scandium was named after Scandinavia. Scientific expert Lars Nilson was endeavoring to segregate the component ytterbium from the minerals euxenite and gadolinite when he found scandium. These minerals were fundamentally found in the Scandinavia region.Scandium is the progress metal with the most minimal nuclear number.The disclosure of scandium filled a spot anticipated by Mendeleevs occasional table. Scandium replaced the placeholder component eka-boron.Most scandium mixes have scandium with the Sc3 ion.Scandium has a bounty in the Earths covering of 22 mg/kg (or parts per million).Scandium has a plenitude in seawater of 6 x 10-7 mg/L (or parts per million).Scandium is more plenteous on the Moon than on Earth. References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001) Crescent Chemical Company (2001)Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952)CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (eighteenth Ed.) International Atomic Energy Agency ENSDF database (Oct 2010)

Friday, July 31, 2020

Jason Segel is the Perfect Choice to Play David Foster Wallace

Jason Segel is the Perfect Choice to Play David Foster Wallace Last week, news broke that Jason Segel would be playing David Foster Wallace in a film adaptation of part of David Lipskys 2010 book Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace. At first blush, Segel as DFW seems a controversial choice (and, predictably, the internet responded with its usual dose of cynicism). The general consensus: How could a goofy comedic actor portray a man as brilliant and troubled as DFW? But you know what? Jason Segel is the perfect choice to play David Foster Wallace. Heres why: DFW was a normal, self-conscious, self-deprecating, and really funny dude. And nobody plays that better that Segel. One of the main themes of Lipskys book â€" based on four days of conversations while traveling with DFW on his Infinite Jest tour in 1996, just as DFWs fame was exploding â€" is how surprised he is that DFW seems normal. In fact, Lipskys actually skeptical. I think you still feel youre smarter than other people. And youre acting like someone whos about 31 or 32, whos playing in the kids softball game, and is trying to hold back his power hitting, to check his swing at the plate, more or less. DFW cracks: Boy, that would make me a real asshole, wouldnt it? DFW vehemently denies that hes acting, even as hes aware that by trying too hard not to act like a normal guy, he ends up appearing as if he actually is putting on an act. (Isnt that DFW in a nutshell?!) And but so, DFW was anything if not hyper-self-aware, and he addresses his act, or lack thereof, in answer to Lipskys question: Theres a couple times Ive tried to do it a little bit. And it seems like youve caught me every time, and then weve both just laughed. Basically, hes saying, outside of a few times when hes aware of how hed be perceived in what Lipsky wrote, he really had just been being himself. All indications are that even while managing his depression with medication, DFW was truly just an honest, slightly-awkward, joke-cracking, self-deprecating mid-30s dude who just wanted to be liked. (Quote example from Lipsky: I dont think writers are smarter than other people. I think they may be more compelling in their stupidity, or in their confusion.) And, lets be honest, and you know this if youve read him: He really was very, very funny. In Lipskys book, hed complain at times about how it sucked his new fame hadnt gotten him laid. And hed warn Lipsky not to use the bathroom after him because hed just wreaked a little havoc. Comments like that arent exactly aimed at a wine-and-cheese crowd and its not hard at all to envision Segel delivering them to a chuckling movie crowd. If you think about all the roles Segel has played, most of which hes nailed â€" from Marshall Eriksen in HIMYM, to Peter Bretter in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, to Sydney Fife in I Love You, Man â€" and you think about how his characters are readily willing to laugh at themselves and their awkwardness, and if you think about how adept Segel is at delivering one liners with an ironic smirk (I still want to hang out, despite that joke. Youre better than that.), and at how good he seems at being appealingly honestwell, its hard to imagine any other actor but Segel playing DFW! Indeed, since the news broke, Ive been thinking hard about who could do it better, and Ive come up empty. Segel is almost perfect. Hes just gonna have to grow his hair out a bit and practice his bandanna-wearing. Ill certainly concede that its a risky casting decision. Its an unconventional choice, to be sure, and it could fail. But I dont think it will. As one final example, though not part of the movie, think about DFWs essay A Supposedly Fun Thing Id Never Do Again, about his experience on a cruise. Think about about the one actor youd like to see in the scenes in which DFW emerges from his room to beat the shit out of a teenager in ping-pong â€" the only thing he enjoys about the whole cruise. Think about Segel playing that guy. I laugh just typing that. I hope it works. I really do. And I wish Mr. Segel way more than luck. _________________________ Sign up for our newsletter to have the best of Book Riot delivered straight to your inbox every two weeks. No spam. We promise. To keep up with Book Riot on a daily basis, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, , and subscribe to the Book Riot podcast in iTunes or via RSS. So much bookish goodnessall day, every day.

Friday, May 22, 2020

How to Use German Adjectives to Describe Things

To speak German, you have to know your adjectives. As a reminder, these are the descriptive words used to describe a person, place or thing. In this case, lets look at adjectives commonly used to describe people, both physically and behaviourally. We have grouped adjectives by nouns that theyre commonly associated with, but of course, these descriptive words may be used to describe many different things, not just the body part listed. Also, the adjectives are given in neuter form, so make sure to appropriately declinate adjectives according to the noun gender they describe.   Tip: If you are studying German on your own, a quick and simple way to practice the vocabulary would be to pick a picture of someone in a newspaper, magazine or website and describe them. German Worlds to Describe Physical Appearance Der Kà ¶rper (body): schlank (skinny) - dà ¼nn (thin) - hager (gaunt) - groß (big) - riesig (gigantic, really tall) - dick (fat) - stark, krà ¤ftig (strong) - schwach, schwà ¤chlich (weak) - braun (tanned) - gebà ¼ckt (stooped). Das Gesicht (face): lang (long) - rund (round) - oval (oval) - breit (broad), Pickel im Gesicht (pimples on the face) - mit Falten, faltiges Gesicht (with wrinkles, a wrinkly face) - pausbà ¤ckig (chubby-cheeked) - bleich, blass (pale) - ein rotes Gesicht (a red face) - kantig (angular) Die Augen (eyes): tiefliegende Augen (deep-set eyes) - strahlend (bright, brilliant), dunkel (dark, hazel) - mandelfà ¶rmig (almond-shaped eyes), geschwollen (puffy), mà ¼de (tired), klar (clear), funkelnd (twinkling) - wulstig (bulging) Die Augenbrauen (eyebrows): dicht (thick), voll (full), schà ¶n geformte (nicely-shaped), dà ¼nn (sparse), geschwungen (slightly curved) Die Nase (nose): krumm (crooked) - spitz (pointy) - gerade (straight) – stumpf (turned-up) – flach (flat) Der Mund (mouth): là ¤chelnd (smiling) - die Stirn runzeln (to frown) - eine Schnute ziehen/einen Schmollmund machen ( to pout) - eckig (square) - offen (open) - weit aufgesperrt (gaping) - Mundgeruch haben (to have bad breath) Die Haare (hair): lockig (curly) – kraus (tightly-curled) – kurz (short) – glà ¤nzend (shiny) – glatt (straight) - glatzkà ¶pfig (bald) - schmutzig (dirty) - fettig (greasy) - einen Pferdeschwanz tragen (in a ponytail) - einen Knoten tragen ( in a bun) – gewellt (wavy) - voluminà ¶s (voluminous). See also colors. Die Ohren (ears): herausstehende Ohren (ears that stick out) – Elfenohren (elf ears) - die Schwerhà ¶rigkeit (hard of hearing) – taub (deaf) – Ohrringe tragen (wearing earrings) - Hà ¶rgerà ¤t tragen (wear a hearing-aid) Die Kleidung (clothes):   modisch (fashionable) - là ¤ssig (casual) - sportlich (athletic) - beruflich  (professional) -  unschà ¶n (not fashionable) - altmodisch (dated) More clothes-related nouns that can help describe details: die Hose (pants) - das Hemd (shirt) - das T-shirt ( t-shirt) - der Pullover (sweater) - die Schuhe (shoes) - die Sandalen (sandals) - die Spitzschuhe (high heels) - die Stiefeln (boots) - der Mantel (coat) - die Jacke (jacket) - der Hut (hat) - der Anzug (a suit). See more on clothes and fashion. Other: manikà ¼rte Nà ¤gel (manicured nails) - das Muttermal (birthmark) - schmale Lippen (thin lips) – Plattfà ¼ÃƒÅ¸e (flat-feet) German Words To Describe a Person Eigenschaften (personality): Erregt (excited) - redselig (talkative) – schlechtgelaunt (bad-tempered) – jà ¤hzornig (violent-tempered) - spaßig (amusing) - zufrieden (happy; satisfied) - freundlich (friendly) - tapfer (courageous) – gemein (mean) – sanft (gentle) – großzà ¼gig (generous) – ungeduldig (impatient) – geduldig (patient) - faul (lazy) – hard-working (fleißig) – nervà ¶s (nervous) - ernst (serious) - schà ¼chtern (shy) - schlau (clever) - klug (smart) - religià ¶s (religious) – dickkà ¶pfig (stubborn) - traurig (sad) – depremiert (depressed) - komish (funny, weird) - seltsam, merkwà ¼rdig (strange) - gierig (greedy) – gerissen (sly) – barmherzig (compassionate) - fleißig (hard-working) – witzig (witty, funny) - jemand der sich immer beklagt (complainer) – eitel (vain) – sportlich (athletic) Descriptive Verbs Hobbys:  lesen (reading) – tanzen (dancing) – schreiben (reading) - Sport treiben (to play sports), singen (singing) – basteln (to do crafts) – photographieren (to take photos) – reisen (to travel) Holzbearbeitung machen (woodworking) – backen (to bake) – kochen (to cook) – malen (to paint, color) – zeichnen (to draw) – camping (Campen gehen) – einkaufen (shopping) Other Descriptive Nouns Die Familie (family): die Eltern (parents) - die Mutter (mother) - der Vater (father) - der Sohn (son) - die Tochter (daughter) - die Schwester (sister) - der Bruder (brother). See Family Glossary for more. Describe Yourself in German Here is a sample description of how it might sound to describe yourself in German. An English translation is below. Hallo. Ich heiße Hilde und komme aus Deutschland. Ich bin in Essen geboren, aber lebe seit vierzehn Jahren in Stuttgart. Zur Zeit studiere ich Maschinenbau an der Università ¤t. Ich mag reisen, lesen und tanzen. Meine Freunde nennen mich „Schwatzliese,â€Å" weil ich immer so redselig bin – auch wà ¤hrend den Unterricht! Ich habe dunkle, krause Haare, haselnussbraune Augen und ziehe à ¶fters eine Schnute wenn ich beleidigt bin. Ich bin sehr fleißig zum Studieren aber zu faul um meine Wohnung aufzurà ¤umen. Ich trage lieber Jeans und Rennschuhe, als Rà ¶cke und Spitzschuhen. English Translation: Hello. My name is Hilde and I am from Germany. I was born in Essen, but have lived for fourteen years in Stuttgart. Currently, I am studying mechanical engineering at the university. I like to travel, read and dance. My friends call me a chatterbox because I’m always talking so much – even during class! I have dark, curly hair, hazel eyes and can pout really well when I am offended. I am very studious, but very lazy when it comes to cleaning up my apartment. I rather wear jeans and running shoes than skirts and high heels.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Marketing Analysis The Business World Marketing

Introduction In the business world marketing is the key to whether a company’s product will sell off the shelves or remain there for the rest of the season. Unlike the other fractions that make up a company such as; accounting, finance, and management, marketing has more at risk than the other branches of business. Other business discourses such, as accounting and finance are all number related and numbers don’t lie, so there would be no risk involved in those fields. However when it comes to my discourse community of marketing this is where the gamble comes in. It’s not about numbers it’s about how clever and cunning your techniques for advertisement are and how you market the product itself. Marketing knows no boundaries, with each†¦show more content†¦This subject of advertisement is constantly changing with each passing decade, with the new technological advancements that are being invented constantly. Half a century ago the only marketing too ls that were used to target children were television and comic books now decade’s later companies have social media and videogames as well as the old fashion television on their arsenal of tools to manipulate the youth. There are multiple ways to market to the young, but there are methods that prove to be more effective than the rest. The young mind can be easily manipulated so it doesn’t take much to brainwash the youth into asking their parent into buying them a specific toy they saw on television. This might sound easy but marketing to children can be trickier than it seems. Children’s minds aren’t fully developed like their adult counter parts, which makes them a huge target for companies like Disney and Hasbro to sell their products to. For my research I’ve complied up the most heavily used techniques in marketing in today’s world which consists of television advertising, online advertising, cross promotion, and gender based marketing. Television advertising Television advertising is the most classic form of advertising. â€Å"Children and teens spend more time watching TV than they do using any of media on average of approximately one hour a day among 2- to 8 year olds and more than two and a half hours a day of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Out of Shadows Themes Free Essays

Change and racism evidently aids the characterization and the development of the text because these significant themes help the portrayal of the characters as they are relatable In society. The text being explored Is â€Å"out of the Shadows† by Jason Wallace. Change reoccurs throughout the text which helps to develop Roberts character. We will write a custom essay sample on Out of Shadows Themes or any similar topic only for you Order Now Similarly, the major connotation of racism also engages readers to relate to the changes of Roberts and Van’s character. Change is evident in the development of Roberts character as he experiences his journey with Ivan and his friends. At the beginning of the text, Out of the Shadows by Jason Wallace, Robert has an awkward confrontation with his ex-friend Nelson when he was with Ivan. Knowing how Ivan would react, Robert harshly told Nelson to leave him alone and not to mind his business. This is demonstrated in the quote, â€Å"l don’t know why I felt surprised, wasn’t that what I’d been after? † The use of the soliloquy creates an impression that Robert is realizing he is changing into to someone he isn’t. He Is questioning why he was having doubts as that was what he had wanted to achieve In the first place. This obscurity in how Robert feels about becoming a new self helps the Idea that change Is a recurring theme throughout the text. In another scenario, Robert Is responding to his dad why he has not been playing or hanging around with Nelson anymore. In this quote, â€Å"He’s not really a friend anymore. † Robert replied with a tone that seemed he was trying to tell himself how he ‘felt’ instead of his father. The doubt he is experiencing emphasizes he is trying to turn over a new leaf in order to fit in, and hence Robert deals with change throughout the text. Another significant theme recurring through the text is racism. This is shown in the quote, â€Å"He’s using his color to his advantage†. The metaphor used suggests that the author is putting out the fact that racism was still a major issue in those times and needed to be viewed differently. Ivan is disgusted by Nelson, who he says is using is color to his advantage because blacks in those time were viewed as the unfortunate. The harsh meaning behind this racist comment, gives people an urge to change and make a difference In racial equality. Van’s character persists to tell the readers he does not appreciate the ‘blacks’ and always finding a reason to hate on them. This is shown in the line † No, special. He’s black. † The italics used for the word, ‘special’ emphasizes racial equality is not evident in this text. The composers use of a metaphor shows the scorn and harsh personality of Ivan and thus engages the audience in the relevant issues of society. In conclusion, change and racism are significant themes in the text which are sadly still relevant now in our society. The change in Roberts character gives the reader’s a personal insight on how these relevant ideas involving post-colonial Zanzibar, affect people negatively. It is responsible for the portrayal of all the characters in ‘Out of Shadows’. Out of Shadows Essay – Themes By Gregariousness relatable in society. The text being explored is â€Å"out of the Shadows† by Jason Lorene with Ivan and his friends. At the beginning of the text, Out of the Shadows by lasso Wallace, Robert has an awkward confrontation with his ex-friend Nelson when isn’t. He is questioning why he was having doubts as that was what he had wanted to achieve in the first place. This obscurity in how Robert feels about becoming a new self helps the idea that change is a recurring theme throughout the text. In another scenario, Robert is responding to his dad why he has not been playing or hanging change and make a difference in racial equality. Van’s character persists to tell the word, ‘special’ emphasizes racial equality is not evident in this text. The composer’s How to cite Out of Shadows Themes, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Outstanding List Comparative Essay Topics and Questions

Modern day students are struggling with academic writing. Many of the students lack the necessities to allow them to craft an excellent essay. Due to this reason many students are getting really low grades and become frustrated. Day to day, students are seeking help from freelancers, fellow students or they may be venturing out online looking for a writing service. These services assist students in writing a better paper for their assignments. Wondering How to Select the Best Comparative Essay Topic? The very first step of developing an outstanding essay is finding the right topic. When writing a comparative essay, you need to find a topic that is narrow enough for you to look at all relevant points. If you choose a broad subject or topic, you won’t be able to fully cover all the key points, and thus your essay will seem underdeveloped. Find a topic you are interested in. Of course, the discipline you are undertaking is broad, and there are a few topics that interest you. Pick a topic that interests you most of all, and you will have a constant flow of ideas when writing your assignment paper. A Brilliantly Compiled List of Comparative Essay Topics by Professionals It’s high time we gave an answer to our readers question. So, what are the best essay topics for students? Here are some good ones. Famous Individuals People known all over the world like famous musicians and celebrities or influential political figures will always attract and interest a reader. This is a chance for a writer to explore their favorite stars and catch any readers eye by comparing their lives. These may include: Compare the private lives of Celine Dion and Mariah Carey. Compare the political views of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Compare the celebrity lives of Chris Brown and Justin Bieber. Political and Historical Science This typically covers politics and cultural diversity in different countries. This is a chance to evaluate different political regimes of countries. You could choose to analyze countries based on a number of things such as communism and capitalism systems or gender rights in different countries. Some of the relevant topics include: Compare the level of development in Saudi Arabia versus Africa. Compare and contrast Donald Trumps and Barack Obamas policies. Level of employment in China versus Japan. The efficiency of American government and the UK government. The lifestyle in antique Greece and modern Greece. Compare the Soviet Union and the European Union. Compare Nazism versus fascism. Compare modern schools and schools of the 18th century. History of Miami versus the history of Hawaii. Comparative Essays for Beginners These are topics for students who are new to this kind of essays. Discover these compare and contrast topics for starters to create a shiny piece: Compare and contrast driving a bicycle and gyro board. Compare and contrast sending emails and writing paper letters. Compare and contrast reading a book and listening to an audiobook. Compare and contrast the benefits of being a woman and a man. Compare the role of smartphones now and phones at the time of their inception. Compare and contrast winter holidays and summer vacation. Contrast fast food and expensive restaurants. Compare life in a small town and living in a huge The effects of eating junk food against good and healthy food. Clash of the Opposites These are the essays that are meant to compare the opposites of an element. Distinguish the vegetarians from vegans. Distinguish eBay from Amazon. Compare PlayStation and Xbox. Distinguish and compare the physiological peculiarities of white race and black race. Distinguish and explain the benefits of freelancing and working in the office. The benefits of online studying and a regular college. The difference between electronic and printed books. The benefits of living in a house and living in an apartment. The nutritional difference between tea and coffee. Teenage Comparative Essays These essay topics are favorable for teenagers or are simply excellent topics if you want to craft comparative essays that resonate with teenagers the most. These include: Comparison of addiction to drugs and addiction to computers. Compare online dating and real-life dating. Compare falling in love to riding a rollercoaster. Compare modern kids and kids that lived in 1900. Compare online shopping and going to the store. Compare the advantages of designer clothes or cheap clothes. Compare the effects of a good school teacher and a lousy school teacher. Compare a Harry Potter book and its movie adaptation. Compare the influence of parents and the influence of teachers. IT and Social Media Comparative Essays If you have a significant interest essay in IT and social media sphere, here are some brilliant topics in this field: Compare email and messengers communication. Compare and contrast Microsoft and Apple. Compare and contrast laptops and personal computers. Compare the efficiency of Windows versus Linux. Compare the efficiency of iOS and Android. Compare and contrast online friends and real friends. Compare and contrast Facebook versus Instagram. Compare and contrast talking to friends on Skype and meeting them in person. Compare and contrast Viber and Skype. Compare the advantages of texting and calling These are just some of the many compare and contrast essay topics a student can focus on with ease. If you still think you might not be able to put together an impressive essay on these topics, you can hire one of our expert writers to do it for you as you use your time for other pressing matters. Frequently Asked Comparative Essay Questions Questions in comparative essays are different based on your particular discipline. But how they are answered is quite similar. Questions for comparative essays should typically be answered with topics that are closely related. If you decide to choose a topic on sports, find contrasting features in the types of sports. You should never choose topics that do not have any relation whatsoever. If you do so, it will be challenging to compare the features since they are worlds apart. However, art students don’t really have a barrier when it comes to compare and contrast essays. They can compare two things that are completely different by using an artistic point of view. Exploring Comparative Essay Ideas from Experts Coming up with essay ideas for relevant topics or write-ups has proven to be really hard over the years when it comes to comparative essays. But with the essay topic ideas we have provided, you can now take a breather. Other essay ideas may include a comparison of the Catholic and Orthodox churches, the Christian and Muslim beliefs, analog and digital watches, football and basketball among many others. There are a lot of writers and writing services on the Internet promising the best services at relatively low prices. But do not be fooled; not all these are legitimate or authentic. Very few of these offer quality services and can be relied on. We consider our writing services to be one of the best in the market because our sole objective is to provide the highest quality of services at the lowest price possible. We value the satisfaction of our customers. Choose us as your immediate writing service for a unique experience. We have a dedicated team of experts whose sole aim is to provide our clients with the highest quality of papers that will guarantee a positive dynamic of your grades. Our services are also affordable to students all across the world. Why wait any longer when you can get your excellently custom written essay? Contact us now!